There are so many factors or reasons why we may feel that our energy is not balanced or aligned. For instance our chakras may be carrying stagnant energy, distorted energy, outdated belief systems, conditioning or some sort of lower vibration attachment or entity that is causing blocks, triggers and imbalance in our life. Chakras are energy centres in a body, that together distribute energy through our being.

Our Aura is the energy field that emanates around us. Our Ethereal body consists of many different layers. Throughout our day we are exposed to many different energies and sometimes they may not be positive ones. Are you someone who absorbs people's energy? Do you feel exhausted at the end of the day?

Another technique is conscious rewiring which reconnects both sides of the brain to balance with the heart.

Disconnection to higher self will also cause energy mis-alignment.

I identify these areas through assessment and then apply healing techniques to shift the energies back into equilibrium identifying any traumas or possible root causes.