Who is To Become One ?
Hello Beautiful Souls
I have completed my first ever video!
I would love for you all to take a look. Please find link below.
Here I talk about the current times. Self Isolation and how we can use this time to connect with our authentic selves.
What is an Intuitive Healer?
How do I work?
As always sending you all
Peace, Love and Light
Hello beautiful souls!
I have completed a recent video on Grounding.
What is Grounding? Why is it important to be grounded?
How do we know when we are not grounded?
What can we do to be more grounded?
You can watch here:
Gratitude 5 day challenge
How important it is to live in gratitude Daily rituals
In this video, I talk about Gratitude and how important it is for us to have daily rituals around gratitude. How gratitude can help us activate and open our Heart Chakra. How gratitude can help with stress and anxiety. How gratitude can help us not go into victim consciousness A personal writing about gratitude.
You can watch here
Full Moon Release Ritual
Hello Beautiful Souls!
Happy Pink Full Super Moon in Libra.
We are all in this together! We are One! We are all connected!
Please watch my video on the Pink Full Super Moon!
I include a little ritual for release in the video.
Sending you all Peace, Love and Light
Antoinette ❤️🙏🌝
You can watch here:
The Rise of the New Divine Masculine
In this video, I talk about how important it is to support our Divine Masculines. The Universal year of 22/4 in Numerology. Together, we will build new structures based on love and compassion.
You can watch below:
Forever Grateful, Forever Blessed
Hi Beautiful Souls!
Instead of a video, I have decided today I will do an audio.
7 years ago today I had my Spiritual Awakening!
In that moment, I just connected! I tuned into a different frequency; a different vibration that seemed so familiar but one that I had never experienced before, at least not in this lifetime.
It literally changed my life in so many ways.
What has happened in my life since that day is nothing short of a miracle. I look back at the last 7 years with so much gratitude and I feel truly blessed.
On the audio, I share a poem that I wrote as a thank you for my Awakening.
You can listen by clicking on the link below.
Peace, love and light
Antoinette ❤️🙏
You can listen below:
Full moon in Scorpio May 7 2020
Hello beautiful souls!
How are you all going in these deeply challenging and transformative times?
It is full moon time again.
May 7th ( depending on your time zone) brings the last supermoon of the year; full moon in Scorpio. This moon is the 3rd Supermoon of the year before we enter Eclipse season.
During these times of great change, as always, the full moon offers us an opportunity of release through illumination. Super moons offer us even more light to find our shadows.
Many of us have been quarantined or isolated for several weeks now. Life as we knew it no longer exists. We may have undergone so many changes and challenges. Just being alone perhaps is a huge challenge for you.
Maybe so many patterns or beliefs systems have been questioned. Your life, your true purpose, who are you really?
As many aspects of life come to an end, the full moon gives the gift of release.
Spend some time with yourself. What has come up for you that you would like to let go of, what no longer serves your highest good.
In whatever form.
Endings make space for new beginnings.
Honour your passage, your experience, your pain, your hurt; honour yourself for your courage to feel, accept and release. Look how far you have come, what you have achieved and now allow it to be transformed into light.
Find the gift in whatever has ended.
Make the space for the new!
Have a release ritual, gaze at the moon, bask in it's light of realization and transformation.
So happy full moon in Scorpio beautiful souls!
Honour yourself!
And remember
" Don't grieve, for everything you love comes around in another form " ~ Rumi
If you would like some support or guidance, please go to www.tobecomeone.org to connect and find more information.
Peace, love and light
Antoinette ❤🙏🌝
What is Spirituality
Spirituality, Religion, ego, destruction of ego, blocks, triggers, restrictions, belief systems, conditioning Today I speak about the meaning of Spirituality and how it is different to Religion. I also share my own story about what Spirituality means to me.
Watch Here
A few weeks ago, I was part of a group video with some of my soul sisters. We are calling these conversations round table conversations where we talk about all things spiritual. These conversations came about from finding each other on social media and participating in courses and programs together, including meditation, energy alignment and general sharing of common interests and spiritual journeys.
We decided to take part in the chats to firstly share our own personal experiences with the public and to offer help and support to all the listeners. The topics will vary but all linked to spirituality and ascension.
I personally have been involved in two of these conversations thus far. I was in the very first episode. All about Awakening. Here we spoke openly about our own experiences of “spiritual awakening”. What happened, or when it happened or how it happened. Describing our own revelations and processes.
I have been blessed to have met such like-minded souls who share my passion for spirituality and all things Metaphysical. The Universe has brought us together for a reason; to share, to learn and to teach and help support others on their spiritual path of awakening and ascension. The spiritual journey is individual, everyone ‘s path is so different. Everyone’s awakening is so different. By speaking honestly and opening about our own experiences, we can normalise such conversations. But we are also able to reconnect to the magic and the wonder of our spiritual awakening once again.
Through this open sharing, you may be able to relate to some of these events. Perhaps you have experienced something similar? Perhaps you just ignored it and did not realise the importance of that feeling, event, vision or whatever and however you experienced it. Maybe you were not even aware of it at the time or until this point.
Listening to others speak about their experiences, opens our minds and our hearts to a broader set of possibilities. It also helps us to think we are actually “normal” and not going insane!
It may prompt you to seek some support or just want to be able to start a conversation with like-minded people who will listen and not judge. You may want to start some sort of spiritual practice like journaling, meditation, releasing, identifying blocks and triggers, acknowledging your deepest hurts or core wounds. You may want to have a chakra assessment or begin spiritual development classes or psychic development classes. You may be starting to remember some gifts and talents you did not know you have.
You can watch the video here: