JUNE 2023

Welcome to June Everyone!

 We have made it through the intense Eclipse energies of May, (some remnants of grief and anxiety may still be felt); so be proud! We are now in the second half of the year where we embody and integrate all that we have learned.  

We have exited the eclipse season which brought radical transformation through turbulent and intense energies leaving no stone unturned. Urging us, not all at gently, to allow ourselves to FEEL – NO MORE SUPPRESSION

In May, our duality within ourselves was highlighted to us with our wounds rising to the surface to be loved and nurtured.

“You came to me as light, in the stillness of the night” was the quote for MAY.

Only in the stillness, only in the dark can the light be found.

Many of us experienced a lot of heavy, deep grieving and darkness as these core wounds came to the light to be seen. The key was to and always is, is to ALLOW. That definitely was my experience. As soon as I allowed, I was able to move through the darkness and see the light illuminating.


“Our thumbprint is our individual physical identification, our chakras are a reflection of our spiritual frequency, the diary of our energy that we carry.”

As we shift into the second half of the year, our energy shifts with it into a vibration of balance. June carries the energy of the Number 6 in Numerology- Heart opening and acceptance.

 The Full moon in Sagittarius, (June 3/4), will offer expansion, confidence, trust, hope and fire. Anything that still has not been released, may be offered to the archer to be transmuted. Be sure to be grounded in your target and pull the arrow back with care, precision, balance and grounded action. This will help your strike to be a bullseye!



·         Only you can be you; that is your true purpose and task in this life.

·         Make your mark on the world.

·         Explore and discover your uniqueness and how you wish to express it to the world.

·         Our individuality is a collection of artistic and creative markings that we are born with, but also collect through lifetimes.

·         Individuality is freedom.

 What does freedom mean to you?

 To live from our centre is to live from our heart, and it is then that we embrace our individuality.


Our actions are grounded in our heart and we are sending out these plans into the world with faith and conviction. WE ARE THE RIPPLE.


 Image from my Pain to Purpose Healing Oracle

Click on image to purchase

I wish you all a beautiful June full of heartful moments, balance and grounded individual action.


Peace, Love and Light





New Moon in Taurus May 2023