February Intuitive Guidance
Hello beautiful souls and welcome to February!
February is certainly starting off with a BANG!
The month of February carries the energy of the number 2, in particular, February 2022, carries the energy of the number 8. Stepping into our sovereignty with an activated heart through intuitive action.
A new month, Chinese New Year( Lunar New Year of the TIGER), and New Moon in Aquarius!
New beginnings, courage, mastery, intentions, innovations, revolutions from unconditional love and personal sovereignty.
Our value and self worth are at the core of our connections and that is the ripple that we send to others.
Activating our unconditional love for ourselves is at the core of all our connections with others. In loving and accepting ourselves, we also love and accept others.
On a more collective, 3D level, collective consciousness is awakening to mis information, untruths, more chaos, more questions and the realisations of misguided intentions. All of the external, gives us an opportunity to go within and explore why we believed it, what were our feelings around our actions and from where the shame or fear originated. It will certainly be something from within that has triggered the external response, reaction or action. Remember, the most important thing is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!
The Divine connection is our connection to ourselves. There is no separation. Our outer value is our inner value; the external is a reflection of our inner. “ As within, so without; as above, so below”.
The card for February from the 2022 calendar Card reading is SHAME.
This card fits in perfectly with the theme of the Universal 6 year in Numerology- balance, harmony, family, relationships, inner peace, heart activations, beauty and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
What parts of yourself carry the energy of shame? Allow yourself to dig deep and reveal where the shame lies and where it comes from. Is it from within or external?
Feeling shame blocks our authenticity, and authenticity is where we are balanced, conscious, liberated, free, and true to ourselves and others.
In January, we were called to take a look at our lessons and see how far we have come in embodying them and living through our wisdom. January was an opportunity for self-mastery and with Venus and Mercury being in retrograde, we were taken back to revisit relationships, past experiences and lessons. This was to allow us to identify any deeper triggers or restrictions that need to be acknowledged and held in order to evolve forward to the new.
Perhaps these revisits have opened up more areas of healing that is needed; deeper traumas or cycles that need to be closed or further investigated.
For me personally, my deepest core outdated belief systems once again resurfaced with an opportunity to acknowledge them, express them, hold them, nurture and release them to reveal a new innovative and creative way that is more aligned to my authenticity and soul. Many of these ironically were embedded with shame that I was taught and then adopted to believe as truth. Primarily around my sexuality and sacred Divine Feminine.
I even came to the realisation that some of these conditions were energetically passed through to me in Utero through the feelings and energy of my Mother during her pregnancy with me. I will write more about this in another post.
The theme of unconditional love also a big one for me in January and particularly how I am embodying it in my relationships with others and also with myself.
Have a think about what past experiences you revisited in January. Is there any shame attached to these lessons? What can yo do to change your perception towards more alignment?
© Antoinette Thompson
I wish you all an innovative February, happy 2/2 Aquarius Portal and a month of new realisations and revelations that will align you further to your soul and your authenticity. Don’t be afraid to feel ; as I always believe, we heal by experience.
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Peace, Love and Light